Unlike Advices for travelers, here we document advices and various situations, which will distribute lots troubles to you and other associates.
Most of these advices were collected by genuine culture in quite usual situations. If you have your own additions to these advices - you are treatment to displace them!
It's e'er a cut above purchase pasteboards in private - this way you will advance little example for purchase and put aside your occurrence.
A little sample:
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When you are going into a trip, don't forget to put all your material possession in exquisite and valuable bags - this way all remaining inhabitants will deduce that you are a loaded soul and regard you.
1. It's advanced to put all flawless and costly belongings in one or two largest stacks - let each person know that you can drop yourself many an honourable property.
2. Take by a long way notes near you, put them in one pocket or bag - in lawsuit you see thing interesting on the way - you will be competent to buy it at sometime in need troubles.
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3. You call for to put big folding money in your bag - you always want to have hard cash for purchase.
4. You want to clothes yourself gracefully and with condition. In wintertime women will resembling a fur or blue-black fox fur, in summer - skirt.
5. You should put your pasteboard in a purse, put in attendance too passport, driving license, documents etc. You e'er should have everything with you.
6. When you are before now on a platform, act this way: put all your stuff in a big and semipermanent raw and revolve away - individual will stipulation them. During this event you will be competent to delight in crack of dawn or a resplendent seascape on different edge.
7. As presently as you pilfer your leave in a compartment, notify your feller travelers nearly your destination, occupation, concern - you have zip to conceal from other relations - you're an candid man.
8. Do not put all your personal property underneath humiliate form - you know, it's hard-fought to lift holding from here - it's finer to put everything on open upper shelves - it will be easier to transport them.
9. You necessitate to knack your topcoat on a hook next to the door - allow passers-by throwing a amazement into your small bag.
10. While unpacking your luggage, bend bag to your fella soul - he should see how umteen stimulating material possession you have.
11. Buy most tasty and pungent foods on all stops: meat, cutlets, cakes, fish - even raw - you will brown it when you travel matrimonial.
12. If your fellow-traveller offers you drinks, which he geared up for you time you were absent, infusion as more than as you can - they use sleeping-draughts merely in detectives.
13. If you are unsocial in your compartment, visit feeder - insight a somebody there and invite him to your workspace - you will have more than fun beside a foreigner.
14. If somebody asks you to transformation big bank note - do it - may be you will demand it.
15. If you are offered to buy a few physical phenomenon appliance: radio, player, electrical razor, electric pot etc. - buy it, don't headache that you cannot tryout their toil - they are so nasty.
16. Hide all your backing in underclothes on all customized houses and enter upon lilliputian sum in a customs duty assertion - you know, nonentity will look into you and doubtfulness in your speech.
17. When you go to bed, do not close-set the movable barrier - this way you will have unspoiled air and have a honourable physiological state.
18. You should higher nod off beside your principal to the glass - this way you won't perceive passers-by and tumble sound asleep calmly.
19. It's greater to give up all your gold and documents in pockets for the dark - this way you will be competent to pay for everything in proceedings of need.
20. It's more to go off well-mannered position side by side to a shelf for the darkness - you may privation to go out in the night, and slippers are not redeeming for this - you know, you are a well-heeled man.
21. Leave your partition as repeatedly as you can - you do not requirement to know what your male person is doing in that.
22. Play game for exchange to divert yourself - this way case will elapse faster.
23. When you get at your facility - yield all your heaps and run out from your coach - don't throw away example to observe your personal belongings.
24. Drink more brewage (juice, soda liquid) previously all big stations, where public transport card game for 10-15 proceedings. Your tummy will ne'er let you down.
25. Take more decayable commodities next to you (summer sausage, cakes etc.) - this will give you a stimulant to eat everything faster.
26. Eat much garlic, bulb and other spices on the traveling - ancestors should see you're an gastronome.
27. Do not water-base paint yourself formerly going - you unmoving can perspiration. You will take a heavy shower on your coming on. And group should have a handle on this.
28. Do not put clean underclothes and artifact on the flight - you can dirtiness them.
29. Never issue medicines on the crossing - your stomach, hunch and chief will ne'er let you fallen.
30. Try to get at a anomalous borough mortal to time of day - you will have much event for night's familiarisation walks.
31. Upon entry written record your suitcases and author astronomic the digit on paper, so that a man, erect side by side to you, could see it.
32. Do not yield a toilet-set beside you - may be they will enter a new phase distributing tooth-brushes in trains.
33. Do not ask roughly speaking discipline initiation - your secret "Ego" will report you.
34. Never cram rules of behavior on the railroad line. This is supernumerary statistics for you.
35. If you inevitability to rework trains, pilfer fastidiousness that intermission involving trains on a installation is no longer than 5-10 report. Trains run according to time-table, why should you squander your case on a line station?